Cooking seasonal products

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I have always cooked seasonal ingredients-I live in the countryside and I grow my own veggies: that’s very important for a healthy diet. I often change menu. I like eating fruit and vegetables according to their season: I never eat the same products all the year long. As I have already told, people who are on a low calorie and balanced diet, often feel fed up with the same boring side plates, the same fish and the same fruit. If you are not keen on the subject, you should look for a guide book: it will help you to find the right fruit and veggies for each season. For the fish as well: some fish is sold only in specific months of the year-benefit from it! If you respect the seasons, the products will be fresh, full of taste and nutrients. Have you ever tasted a tomato in January? And a melon in April? It is not a good idea! Then, seasonal products are more affordable: so you will save your money and your health will thank you. Think about the ethic side of the question too: growing vegetables and fruit out of season, or moving them from one side of the Earth to the other, means heating the greenhouses which increases pollution and global warming. Eating zucchini or pepper all the year long is not worth! If you want to be sure to make the right choice, buy organic food from local farmers: you and your family will eat other types of vegetables and fruit- you will have only advantages.

Autore: Ambra Orazi

Mi chiamo Ambra, sono foodblogger, foodlover, foodwriter, mamma e moglie. Da circa cinque anni dedico le mie giornate alla redazione di articoli per riviste specializzate e aziende leader nel settore del food. La mia cucina ha preso una nuova direzione: amo lavorare a ricette deliziose ma anche sane. È una cucina senza fronzoli, che si concentra sul gusto dei singoli ingredienti nella loro purezza, nella loro essenza.

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