Yoga classes

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Time has come: let’s plan something motivating for the next months. We are going to turn what we have learnt so far into a new chance of working together. We have learnt how yoga works, and how useful it is to our physical health and to the reduction in the stress level in PCOS women. That’s why I am going to invite you to my yoga classes. I am sure you will take part to my project with the same interest you have shown so far- we are going to review what we have already dealt with, and then I am going to show something new every class. First of all, we are going to work harder because we have to get more and more accurate in the execution of every single sequence of poses. Secondly, we will have to be constant in the time as our body has to become strong enough to get used to longer and longer classes. If you find the sequence of poses too easy at the beginning, you will have just to do them again and again to make your class longer. Then new poses will be progressively added and you will move from an “asana” (posture) to another continuously and smoothly for the same or a longer time. What will the result be?  First, the overall strength will be improved, and the lack of rest during the execution of the sequences makes this exercise very tiring-tiredness means gratification. Little by little we will work together one hour or longer, your body will get used to carrying out all (or parts of) those movements you have always considered impossible. I trust you-we can do that together. (Un)luckily, I have to make you work out because I want to be sure your self-confidence will increase!

Today I am going to say goodbye in a different way: NAMASTE!

About Lavinia Corapi

Hi, my name is Lavinia Corapi and I’m a fitness coach. Here I am in charge of highlighting some essential but sometimes neglected points as doing exercise is really important to the cure and the control of several diseases such as PCOS as well.