When overweight endangers your femininity

“You MUST lose at least 20 kg, and then we will talk about that again!”. You might have been told this scornfully. “You have a sweet tooth, do you?” or “Madam, how much do you weigh? No, we don’t make any appointments here at the fertility center, you have to…

When you are looking to get pregnant

I clearly remember my first abdomen sonogram- I was a teenager and the technician told me: “You have micropolicystyc ovariesand you are going to have a troublesome pregnancy”.  Has this happened to you too? Actually, I have been lucky because my ovaries were multifullicular (Gosh! Evaluation mistakes are too common!)…

Amenorrhea: when is PCOS responsible for it?

When your period is missing (and you are not pregnant), you get worried, of course. Even if it is painful, annoying, exhausting, our period tells us that our body is working regularly. Every woman has got her own pace: 21, 28, 30 days or more. You should know yours. But…

PCOS and infertility: Dr. Perloe interview

Lotus Flower PCOS had the great honor to interview Dr. Mark Perloe, one of the most important reproductive endocrinology & infertility specialist in Atlanta, GA. He has extensive experience treating conditions related to infertility including polycystic ovary syndrome, recurrent pregnancy loss, menstrual disorders, fibroids, male factor infertility, endocrine disorders, and…

Thyroid and PCOS: good friends or fierce enemies?

I don’t have any good news for PCOS women: recent studies have reported that thyroid disorders occur more frequent in women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome than in the general population.  The article, which has been published this year on the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, shows that PCOS…

Glycemic index: do you really know it?

You have been told that you need to cut out sugar and carbs to manage PCOS: that’s true. When you get out of your doctor’s or nutritionist’s office, you make your decision: I won’t eat any biscuits any more, I will forget pasta”.You don’t mess up, you follow your diet…

Apple shape? Why you are like that?

You don’t gain weight on the bust, on the abdomen and on the back by chance. Your neck is quite big, no brasses fit your back, when you lose weight, your legs first will reduce their volume, not your belly. Is that right? You are nodding, you may be considered…

Do you feel tired? You may suffer from PCOS

Do you often feel tired? Do you feel exhausted and you don’t feel like doing anything, not even exercise! If you suffer from PCOS, you have already experienced this feeling, haven’t you? A lot of causes, both physical and psychological are responsible, but also the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome has to…