Yoga! …”Mmh, I don’t like it, it is boring”, “It is for elderly people, and it does not make me lose weight”, “You have to be very flexible and thin to practice it” ,These are just a few common inappropriate statements about yoga, because it is not really known. We…

When fats are good for you: PCOS and omega-3 fatty acids

When we say fat, we usually mean butter, lard, or oil, those ingredients we have to cut down on drastically. But some fats are good for us. Here, I’ll introduce you to omega-3 fatty acids, which, in a moderate quantity, are not only healthy, but they can help be useful…

Amenorrhea: when is PCOS responsible for it?

When your period is missing (and you are not pregnant), you get worried, of course. Even if it is painful, annoying, exhausting, our period tells us that our body is working regularly. Every woman has got her own pace: 21, 28, 30 days or more. You should know yours. But…

Looking into body hairs

Do you know what I think of body hairs?  They are unaesthetic, annoying and they make me feel uncomfortable! That’s not only my opinion so, getting rid of hairs has become part of everyday routine for a lot of women,  and men too. Of course, some people don’t think they…

Taking care of our skin

Here we are again, welcome back. Have a good special start of the year! Yes, of course. I think that the 1st September is the actual New Year Day. In September we start working again, we take up new activities, as sports for instance: it’s the month of the good…

Shaving against the growth

Hirsutism is one of the symptoms of PCOS. It distresses almost all the women as, in our culture, hair means unaesthetic slovenliness and clumsiness. Depilation is something which concerns all the women as they have always fought hard against body hair, a cause of their anxiety. The matter gets worse…

Thyroid and PCOS: good friends or fierce enemies?

I don’t have any good news for PCOS women: recent studies have reported that thyroid disorders occur more frequent in women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome than in the general population.  The article, which has been published this year on the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, shows that PCOS…

Glycemic index: do you really know it?

You have been told that you need to cut out sugar and carbs to manage PCOS: that’s true. When you get out of your doctor’s or nutritionist’s office, you make your decision: I won’t eat any biscuits any more, I will forget pasta”.You don’t mess up, you follow your diet…

Apple shape? Why you are like that?

You don’t gain weight on the bust, on the abdomen and on the back by chance. Your neck is quite big, no brasses fit your back, when you lose weight, your legs first will reduce their volume, not your belly. Is that right? You are nodding, you may be considered…