Winter salad with soft hard boiled and olive dressing

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Ingredients for 2 people

  • Head cabbage 200g
  • Purple cabbage 150g
  • Radishes: 4/5
  • Shallot: a small piece 1
  • Eggs: 2
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • Pitted taggiasca olives: 1 tbsp
  • Basil: a twig
  • Flax seeds
  • Extra virgin olive oil: 2 tbps
  • Salt


  1. Cut the cabbages, the radishes and the shallot into; put everything into a large bowl.
  2. Blend the olives with the lemon juice, the basil, the oil, and the salt. Pour onto the salad and toss well.
  3. Prepare the eggs. Soft hard-boiled eggs have soft, fairly liquid yolk and completely set white. You can cook them as follow: put the eggs into cold water, bring it up to the boil, lower the heat and simmer for 3 minutes. Otherwise you can also lower the eggs gently into the boiling water and cook for 7 minutes.
  4. Peel and add the eggs to the salad. Garnish with a few flax seeds and serve.

Here is the result!

About Ambra Orazi

This is me, Ambra. I am a food-blogger, a food-lover, a food-writer, and I am a loving mum and wife. I cope with digital pr activities, I write articles for specialized magazines, I hold cooking courses and I cook at my client’s home on request. I love to cook delicious but healthy recipes. I cook plain and simple food which highlights the pure taste of each single ingredient as it is. I think that my way of dealing with the food gets really well with the mission of Lotus Flower PCOS.