The diet and its meaning

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Very often diet means deprivation, unseasoned, tasteless and pale food. In a word: sad. Has it happened to you too? We usually think that diet means “hospital”, illness, lack of pleasure. When food turns into a kind of medicine to swallow, it loses its real meaning. What does this lead to? It takes you away from healthy food because when you must eat only boiled rice, and steamed  chicken breast, you just long for fries with plenty of mayo!

The actual meaning of the diet is ‘lifestyle’-you should learn to make your own choices: healthy food and constant physical exercise.

Diet is not a renounce, it is a choice.

Keep in mind that food is a way to take calories in, it gives us energy, and when we eat well, it protects us from diseases. But it is not only this! Food is pleasure, it is often linked to happy memories in our life and strong feelings.

We will never forget our granny’s delicious cake, or how delicious our mum’s lasagna used to smell.

When we eat those dishes we almost always experience the same pleasant feeling we used to have.

So, first of all, we have to focus on real food and keep away from meal replacements, medicine, or low calorie shakes.

You should start again, or learn to choose the food yourself, look for your pleasure, choose seasonal products carefully, and look for the origin of it. You should prepare your own food, cook it as you like but make it simple and use just a few ingredients. But please, even if you are on a diet, keep on staying with the people you like. Actually, food is sharing experiences, spending time together.

You should learn to enjoy simple tastes, every kind of food has got its own. Let’s take some chicken breast: it can’t taste the same as some salad or fish because you have seasoned it with the same sauces, or, from bad to worse, you have fried it so that the only thing you can taste is oil!

Take up cooking, dont be satisfied with heating something in your microwave oven. Dont just eat a sandwich in your car, or drink some super shakes by your desk.

Cooking is making up a story, it is making new experiences, it is a new challenge and, finally, pay honor to what you eat.

So you will learn to eat less and to enjoy better what you have made by eating your meal slowly, bite after bite. You will be setting off on a new journey where you may learn to love yourself more.

You dont have to be a chef, but you just need some creativity and experimentation. Nothing is perfect at first, but your mistakes will make you learn more and more. If the recipe you have cooked is not very good, don’t lose heart, try it again and again, think about the way to make it better.

  • Tidy and plan the spaces in your kitchen, and get some basic cooking tools,
  • Arrange and tidy your fridge as well: keep only food you have to cook. Don’t buy any ready-to-eat food!
  • Always have plenty of water and raw crispy veggies to eat in case you get hungry when you are cooking.
  • Read cookery books and surf the Internet: look for simple fast recipes with few ingredients. The least the ingredients are, the best the recipes are for you.

Everything is ready now! Let’s meet your food in a completely new way!

About Stefania Cattaneo

I am Stefania Cattaneo and I am a Nutritionist Biologist. I have always been fond of sports and nutrition most of all related to the women. I work in my private office near Turin, there I see every sort of patients with really different problems and needs. Actually, I mainly deal with sports people and women who suffer from hormonal ailment linked to the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. I'll do my best to widen your knowledge (and mine as well) about this hard, difficult awkward but fascinating topic: PCOS.