
Straight or curly, long or short, blond or chestnut brown, the hair is one of the most important features of the womanliness. Useless to say, when it is not tidy, we don’t feel at ease. When we don’t like our cut or color, we usually get irritable and impossible when…

Ban oily skin!

Are you getting ready for an important event? Do you want to be perfect? Do you want to be wonderful and charming? And the D-Day you get up and find a hideous pimple on your face. First dread, discouragement and resignation… then you act ,and start trying every possible remedy.…

Our smartest dress: the skin

It’s what we wear every day, it’s the border between outside and inside, it’s the barrier between us and the other people, the world…it’s our skin. The skin is an organ itself, one of the most important, not just a wrap. We take it for granted but we can’t imagine…

Body hair: what for?

Have you ever asked yourself: “What is my hair for?”, this question often raises when we are calling the beautician or we are getting ready for the waxing treatment or the “razor” or when we are taking the tweezers to pull some hair out on the chin. We hate it,…

What is the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?

Have you seen your gynecologist because of some disorders in your period? Have you seen your dermatologist because of some acne or sudden growth of extra hair? Have you seen your doctor because you have been gaining weight; have you been wondering if your hormones aren’t working properly? Your doctor…

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

A short acronym, PCOS. Let’s take it for granted… if we get a medical diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, we don’t know if we must feel relieved or start to worry. PCOS affects between 5% and 15% of the women in the reproductive age. It is an endocrine and metabolic…