When pcos is frightening

Here, I am going to speak about something really serious, something which makes your feel frightened. I don’t want to alarm you, you must not think the sword of Damocles is hanging over your head. Let’s deal with figures PCOS is associated with a significantly high risk of developing the endometrial…

PCOS? How can you recognize it?

What do you know about PCOS? Have you heard about it but you are not interested? Do you think it is a condition which affects only overweight women and, as it is not life-threatening, you don’t have to bother about it? Some women get very worried, other ones often underestimate…

The quietness of solitude

You don’t like being alone, you always need someone by your side. You can’t carry out your projects unless you share them with someone. Do you feel anxious when you are alone? The moment has come: you have to look into this difficulty. Being afraid of staying alone is linked…


Yoga! …”Mmh, I don’t like it, it is boring”, “It is for elderly people, and it does not make me lose weight”, “You have to be very flexible and thin to practice it” ,These are just a few common inappropriate statements about yoga, because it is not really known. We…

Orlando I’m setting off

It is coming up: tickets and hotel bookings are ready, I am writing my speech. The PCOS Awareness Symposium is taking place on September the 22ndand 23rdin Orlando, Florida. As every year, it has been organized by pcoschallenge.org, the Us (and the world’s) most important association of women with PCOS.…

When words are deceiving

“7 easy ways to get rid of PCOS”, “5 miraculous pieces of advice to recover from PCOS”, “6 effective steps to fight PCOS”, “the only solution to face PCOS”, I could quote these kinds of catch phrases over and over again. They are very captivating, they provide painless, easy and…

When your partner becomes an enemy

How does our families react to PCOS? We know it very well: its clearly visible symptoms negatively affect the quality of our whole life as the hormonal imbalance influences the image and the perception of body, mood, lifestyle, and parenthood plans. A couple, a family should share everything.    Arianna…

Water retention? Everything you have to know about that.

Water retentionis an accumulation of watery fluids among the cells of the tissues; it is usually found in those parts of the body which are prone to the accumulation of fat: thighs, abdomen, gluteus, for instance. When the excess of liquid is not absorbed, edemas appear: this is the first…

Sasha Ottey’s Interview

Sasha is a wonderful woman. I met Sasha Ottey a few years ago, when I was at the very beginning of my journey into the world of PCOS, and of the women who live and deal with the symptoms of the syndrome every day. Since then she has taught me…

Night binges

Eating at night is quite common, but a few people are aware of its harmfulness. If it is taken lightly, it may become a bad inveterate habit which leads to a low-quality sleep and weight gain. Sometimes it can turn into an ordinary lifestyle- you often wake up in the…