Oil: healthy and useful, but don’t exagerate!

Nowadays everyone prefers oil to butter, but everyone should also learn to limit the use of oil most of all when cooking. Extra virgin olive oil, widespread and appreciated all over the world for its nutritional and organoleptic properties, consists mainly of fat. A hundred grams of oil provide about…


A source of nutrients for the body Lentils belong to the pulse family and they are very ancient. They are grown all around the world but the finest are the Italian ones, in particular they come from Castelluccio di Norcia, Colfiorito, Ustica, Villalba, Altamura, Leonforte. There are different types according…

Natural flavoring: what’s that?

A healthy diet is the best way to keep in fit and well-being: so cut down on fat, choose whole cereal, eat plenty of fruit and vegetable, opt for white meat and fish. However, we often turn down healthy and balanced food habits because of our psychological mood. Taking light…

Cooking fish, meat and eggs

Fish, meat and eggs are the main sources of proteins if you are on a diet. How can you cook them to enhance their taste and to preserve their nutrients without exaggerating the dressing? You may not know that you shouldn’t boil meat or fish because they lose the their…

Cooking fish with flavor: herbs and spices

We eat less fish than we should, but often we don’t buy it because we don’t know how to cook. We usually go past the fish counter at the supermarket, we analyze all kinds of fish, we look at their pearl color and then we rush to the next counter…

Cold cuts and salami

When we speak about cold cuts and salami in less than no time we think about something highly fat and rich in cholesterol. Actually, if you want to eat healthy and have a low caloric diet you will have to cut down on this kind of food. But what are…